Monday, April 8, 2024

Filip Kovacevic: The Burned Books of the KGB Training School in Vilnius

When the KGB closed down its training school in Vilnius in 1960, many top secret publications from the library stacks were incinerated. The KGB "book burning" committee typically consisted of three officers, including the officer in charge of the special section of the library that housed top secret publications. The "book burning" was authorized by Article 90 of the executive order of the Chairman of the KGB No. 00705 from October 31, 1954. 

Based on my research of the Lithuanian KGB documents at the Hoover Institution, I am now able to reconstruct the list of the titles of the destroyed publications.

In the list below, I have translated the titles from Russian into English. For many publications on the list, this is their first public mention. Prior to this post, there was no public record that they ever existed. 

1.  Nikitinsky and Safonov. Collection of Documents on German Espionage in Tsarist Russia.

2. Nikitinsky. Collection of Documents on the History of Russian Counterintelligence.

3. Svatikov. The Foreign Agent Networks of the Department of Police.

4. The Diagram of the Anti-Soviet and Nationalist Political Parties Active in Lithuania until 1940.

5. Toropov. Methodology of Seminar and Practical Assignments for the Special Discipline No. 1.

6. Bokov. A Methodological Report on the topic "Methodology of Administrating the Written Papers of Students on the Assignments of Special Disciplines."

7. Nadiradze. Report on the topic "On Some Questions on the Methodology of Conducting Consultations."

8. Safiullin. Report on the topic "Methodology of Administrating Practical Assignments on the Spoken Analysis of Operational Tasks."

9. Vorozheikin. Report on the topic "On the Extracurricular Activities with Students of Special Disciplines."

10. Zakharov. Overview of the Case of American Agents-Parachuters Osmanov and Sarantsev.

11. Grishaev et al. Training Manual on the topic "Interrogation of Witnesses."

12. Lisov. Lecture on the topic "Content and Structure of the Course on the Fundamental Principles of the Counterintelligence Activities of State Security."

13. Chistov. Lecture on the topic "Forms and Methods of Subversive Activities against the USSR by the Intelligence Agencies of Bourgeois States and Other Enemies of the Soviet State."

14. Myzin. Lecture on the topic "Forms and Methods of Subversive Activities against the USSR by the Intelligence Agencies of Bourgeois States and Other Enemies of the Soviet State."

15. Aleksandrov. Training Manual on the topic "Running Agents and Their Training."

16. Neboliubov. Lecture on the topic "Running Agents and Their Training."

17. Sorokin. Training Manual on the topic "Methods of External Surveillance."

18. Mikhailov. Lecture on the topic "Perlustration (PK)."

19. Smoliakov et al. Training Manual on the topic "Perlustration (PK)."

20. Sholokov. Overview on the topic "Methods of Contact with the Agents of State Security in the Rural Areas."

21. Kanishchev et al. Training Manual on the topic "Radio Counterintelligence Activities of State Security."

22. Tankaev. Lecture on the topic "Radio Counterintelligence Service."

23. Koval. Lecture on the topic "Operational Records."

24. Gribanov. Transcript of Lecture on the topic "Agent-Based Combination and Its Significance in the Counterintelligence Activities of State Security."

Note: General Oleg Gribanov was the head of the KGB Second Chief Directorate from 1956 to 1964. This is the first public mention of this lecture. For more on Gribanov, see Filip Kovacevic, "'An Ominous Talent': Oleg Gribanov and KGB Counterintelligence" (2022).

25. Training Manual on the topic "Providing Agents for Operational Cultivation."

26. Vasilchenko. Lecture on the topic "Operational Documentation in the Process of Cultivation. Finding and Collecting the Evidence."

27. Vasilchenko. Example of the Operational Documentation of the Criminal Activities of the Suspects at the End of Cultivation.

28. Vasilchenko. Lecture on the topic "The End of Cultivation."

29. Yermakov. Lecture on the topic "Secret Records Keeping and Operational Accounting in the Work of State Security."

30. Blokhin. Overview of the Operation SLAVES OF ZION.

31. Blokhin. Information Summary of the Overview of the Operation SLAVES OF ZION.

32. Shestoboev. Collection of Examples for Spotting, External Surveillance, Perlustration, and Running Numbered Measures.

33. Safiullin. Collection of Examples on the topic "Agent-Based Combination and Cover Stories."

34. The Program for the Studies of Soviet Criminology.

35. Vasilchenko. Operational Assignment on the topic "Record Keeping for Checking and Studying a Candidate for Recruitment."

36. Vasilchenko. Solution for Operational Assignment on the topic "Record Keeping for Checking and Studying a Candidate for Recruitment."

37. Safiullin. Collection of Examples on the topic "Recruiting Agents."

38. Neboliubov. Assignment on the topic "Writing the Report and the Plan for Agent Recruitment."

39. Neboliubov. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Writing the Report and the Plan for Agent Recruitment."

40. Igumnov. Assignment on the topic "Selection of a Candidate for Recruitment. Drafting the Report and the Plan of Recruitment."

41. Igumnov. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Selection of a Candidate for Recruitment. Drafting the Report and the Plan of Recruitment."

42. Neboliubov. Collection of Examples and Plans for Agent Entry into Cultivation [разработка].

43. Bokov. Assignment on the topic "Selection of a Candidate for Recruitment. Drafting the Report and the Plan of Recruitment."

44. Bokov. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Selection of a Candidate for Recruitment. Drafting the Report and the Plan of Recruitment."

45. Likhachev. Assignment No. 2 on the topic "Agent Recruitment."

46. Likhachev. Solution for Assignment No. 2 on the topic "Agent Recruitment."

47. Griaznov. Assignment on the topic "Agent Recruitment."

48. Griaznov. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Agent Recruitment."

49. Safiullin. Assignment on the topic "Drafting the Report and the Plan of Agent Recruitment."

50. Safiullin. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Drafting the Report and the Plan of Agent Recruitment."

51. Bodrov. Assignment on the topic "Analysis of Agent Reports."

52. Bodrov. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Analysis of Agent Reports."

53. Kanishchev. Collection of Basic Operational Document Forms for the Section "Agents of State Security."

54. Starostin. Assignment on the topic "Agent Recruitment."

55. Starostin. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Agent Recruitment."

56. Bodrov. Assignment on the topic "Drafting the Plan for Agent Entry into Cultivation."

57. Bodrov. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Drafting the Plan for Agent Entry into Cultivation."

58. Griaznov. Assignment on the topic "Planning Agent-Operational Measures for Cultivation."

59. Griaznov. A Model Solution for Assignment on the topic "Planning Agent-Operational Measures for Cultivation."

60. Marakushev. Collection of Assignments on Agent Entry into Cultivation.

61. Bodrov. Assignment on the topic "Agent Entry into Cultivation."

62. Bodrov. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Agent Entry into Cultivation."

63. Ovcharenko. Assignment on the topic "Agent Entry into Cultivation."

64. Ovcharenko. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Agent Entry into Cultivation."

65. Marakushev. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Agent Entry into Cultivation."

66. Bodrov. Assignment on the topic "Agent Tasking."

67. Bodrov. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Agent Tasking."

68. Bodrov. Assignment on the topic "Agent Tasking."

69. Neboliubov. Assignment on the topic "Agent Tasking in Writing."

70. Neboliubov. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Agent Tasking in Writing."

71. Vasilchenko. Collection of Examples of Plans of Agent-Operational Measures for Cultivation (for practical exercises).

72. Tebenkov. Assignment on the topic "Planning Agent-Operational Measures for Cultivation."

73. Tebenkov. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Planning Agent-Operational Measures for Cultivation."

74. Griaznov. Collection of Document Forms for Operational Accounting and Informing the Party Leadership.

75. Collection of Assignments on the topic "Drafting Emergency Report."

76. Solutions to Assignments on the topic "Drafting Emergency Report."

77. Klochko et al. Collection of Assignments on the topic "Analysis of Agent Reports."

78. Klochko et al. Solutions to Assignments on the topic "Analysis of Agent Reports."

79. Bodrov and Lebedev. Assignment on the topic "Agent Exit from Cultivation."

80. Vasilchenko and Pushkarev. Solution to Assignment on the topic "Agent Exit from Cultivation."

81. Sherstoboev. Collection of Document Forms for Operational Accounting and Information for the Party Leadership.

82. Bodrov. Assignment on the topic "Drafting the Plan of Agent-Operational Measures for Cultivation."

83. Bodrov. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Drafting the Plan of Agent-Operational Measures for Cultivation."

84. Sivakov. Assignment on the topic "Interception of Penetration Channels of Agents of Foreign Intelligence Services into the Territory of USSR and Infiltration of KGB Agents into the Intelligence Centers of Imperialist States." (Based on Operation LINK)

85. Sivakov. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Interception of Penetration Channels of Agents of Foreign Intelligence Services into the Territory of USSR and Infiltration of KGB Agents into the Intelligence Centers of Imperialist States." (Based on Operation LINK)

86. Khodin. Assignment on the topic "Interception of Channels of Communication between Foreign Intelligence Service and Its Agents in the USSR."

87. Khodin. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Interception of Channels of Communication between Foreign Intelligence Service and Its Agents in the USSR."

88. Odintsov. Assignment on the topic "Dangling Agents of State Security to the Representative of a Foreign Anti-Soviet Organization."

89. Odintsov. Solution for Assignment on the topic "Dangling Agents of State Security to the Representative of a Foreign Anti-Soviet Organization."

90. Fotin. Document Form of Agent's Personal File.

91. Neboliubov. Lecture on the topic "Subversive Activities of American Intelligence."

92. Vasilchenko. Lecture on the topic "Combat of State Security against Subversive Activities of British Intelligence."

93. Miakotnykh. Teaching Materials on the topic "Subversive Activities of British Intelligence and Combat against it by State Security."

94. Pushkarev. Lecture on the topic "Subversive Activities of French Intelligence."

95. Pushkarev. Lecture on the topic "Combat of State Security against Subversive Activities of Agents of Bourgeois States among Orthodox Church priests and clergy."

96. Dubas. Teaching Materials on the topic "Finnish Intelligence."

97. Davidian. Teaching Materials on the topic "Subversive Activities of Iranian Intelligence against the USSR and Combat against It by State Security."

98. Davidian. Teaching Materials on the topic "Subversive Activities of Turkish Intelligence against the USSR and Combat against It by State Security."

99. Kniazev. Teaching Materials on the topic "Japanese Intelligence."

100. Pushkarev. Lecture on the topic "Combat of State Security against Subversive Activities of Foreign Anti-Soviet Centers and Their Agents on the Territory of USSR."

101. Vasilchenko. Lecture on the topic "Combat of State Security against Subversive Activities of Intelligence Services of Bourgeois States. Offensive Tactics of KGB in Combat against Bourgeois Intelligence Services."

102. Guliaev. Overview of "The Search for and Capture of American Spy Novinsky."

103. Tatarinov & Pushkarev. Overview of "The Search for & Capture of American Agents, Representatives of Foreign Nationalist Organization 'Hawks of Dvina' [Hawks of the River Daugava Daugavas Vanagi]

104. Tatarinov & Pushkarev. Information Summary of Overview of "The Search for & Capture of American Agents, Representatives of Foreign Nationalist Organization 'Hawks of Dvina' [Hawks of the River Daugava - Daugavas Vanagi]."

105. Mamaev. Teaching Handbook on the topic "Anti-Soviet Activities of Jewish Nationalists and Combat against Them by State Security."

106. Safiullin. Lecture on the topic "Combat of State Security against Subversive Activities of Bourgeois Nationalists."

107. Boichenko. Teaching Materials on the topic "Belarus Bourgeois Nationalists."

108. Polubinsky. Overview of Operation INITIATIVE.

109. Khamaziuk and Kasatkin. Overview of Operation INTERCEPT.

110. Guliaev. Overview of the Search Case for Agent of West German Intelligence Postnikov.

111. Khodin. Overview of the Case DWARF.

112. Vasilchenko. Overview of Agent-Based Combination for Infiltrating Intelligence Services of the Adversary.

113. Shuliak. Teaching Materials on the topic "Combat of State Security against Agents of the Vatican."

114. Lutov. Teaching Handbook on the topic "Combat of State Security against Subversive Activities of Agents of Bourgeois States among Orthodox Church priests and clergy."

115. Collection of Overviews on the Search for State Criminals.

116. Solovev. Lecture on the topic "The Search for State Criminals."

117. Terekhov. Lecture on the topic "The Search for State Criminals."

118. Pushkarev. Lecture on the topic "Combat of State Security against Subversive Activities of Agents of Intelligence Services of Bourgeois States Among the Sect Members."

119. Teaching Handbook on the topic "The Search for Authors and Distributors of Anti-Soviet Anonymous Documents."

120. Izmailov. Collection of Examples on the topic "The Search for Authors and Distributors of Anti-Soviet Anonymous Documents."

121. Evteev. Overview of Operation CLOSED CIRCUIT.

122. Evteev. Analysis of the Overview of Operation CLOSED CIRCUIT.

123. Kazantsev. Lecture on the topic "Organization of Counterintelligence Work on Defense and Other Facilities of Special Importance."

124. Bushuev. Lecture on the topic "Organization of the Search for Enemy Agents Entering the Territory of the USSR from the Air, the Sea, and the Land."

125. Pushkarev. Lecture on the topic "Organization of the Search for Enemy Agents Entering the Territory of the USSR from the Air, the Sea, and the Land."

126. Vedernikov. Lecture on the topic "Organization of Counterintelligence Work on the Rail and Water Transport."

127. Butorov et al. Teaching Materials on the topic "Organization of Counterintelligence Work on the Rail and Water Transport."

128. Ostriakov. Lecture on the topic "Organization of Counterintelligence Work of the Special Departments in the Soviet Army and Fleet."

129. Mironov. Lecture on the topic "Organization of the Leadership of the Special Departments of State Security."

130. Kisminas. Lecture on the topic "Interrogation of the Suspect."

131. Borisenko. Overview of the Search Operation AESCULAPIUS. 

132. Borisenko. Analysis of the Overview of the Search Operation AESCULAPIUS. 

133. Kalistratov. Overview of the Search Operation TROTTER.

134. Kalistratov. Analysis of the Overview of the Search Operation TROTTER.

135. Materials on Obtaining Permission to Do Secret Work.

136. Solution Regarding the Materials on Obtaining Permission to Do Secret Work.

137. Kisminas. Lecture on the topic "Termination of Preliminary Investigation."

138. Verdiev. Teaching Materials on the topic "Termination of Preliminary Investigation."

139. Teaching-Investigation Case Regarding the Charges Against I. P. Reshetnikov.

140. Collection of Documents on the History of VChK-OGPU (1917-1924).

141. Skitov. Overview - Investigation of Sabotage (based on the Investigation Case of Diachuk and Zaitsev).

142. Tikhonov. Lecture on the topic "Investigation of Espionage Cases."

143. Marakushev. Lecture on the topic "Investigation of Wrecking Cases."

144. Kariabkin. Lecture on the topic "Investigation of Group Cases."

145. Beliansky. Lecture on the topic "Investigation of Sabotage Cases."

146. Petrov. Collection of Assignments-Examples of Analysis of Indictments (for oral examinations).

147. Marakushev. Overview of "Documentation of Criminal Activities of the Anti-Soviet Element in the Process of His Cultivation and During the Investigation of Emergency Situations."

148. Melnikov. Overview of the Investigation Case of the Agent of American Intelligence Asadzaki.

149. Maklakov. Collection of the Forms for Investigation Documentation. 

150. Kovalenko. Assignment on the topic "Investigation of Sabotage Cases."

151. Kovalenko. Solution for the Assignment on the topic "Investigation of Sabotage Cases."

152. Album "Subversive Activities of Intelligence Services of Capitalist States against the Soviet Union and Some Measures of Soviet State Security to Stop Them."

153. Vasilega. Overview of the Materials on the Eliminated Bandit Groups of the Lithuanian Nationalist Underground.

154. Sample Plans of Courses for the Second-Year Students on the First and Second Special Discipline. 

155. Petrov. Assignment on the Search Operation for the Agent of American Intelligence K. P. Dirzhis (for oral examinations). 

156. Photographs of the Hidеouts оf the Belarus Anti-Soviet Nationalist Underground (one album, 22 photographs).

157. Senichev. Overview of the Cultivation Operation POISONOUS. 

158. Photo Album of the Bunkers/Hideouts of the Lithuanian Nationalist Underground.

159. Griaznov. Methodological Report on the topic "On Measures for Eliciting Collegial Discussions During Seminars on Chekist Disciplines." 

160. Azarov. Assignment on the topic "Seizure of the Channels of Communication of the Agents of Intelligence Services of Bourgeois States.

161. Fedotov. Lecture on the topic "Combat of State Security Against the Subversive Activities of Foreign Intelligence Services Against the USSR."

162. Pushkarev. Lecture on the topic "Obtaining and Using Safe Houses in Practical Work with Agents."

163. Pochkai. Teaching Handbook on the topic "Combat of State Security Against the Subversive Activities of the Lithuanian, Latvian, and Estonian Anti-Soviet Nationalist Underground."

164. Kazakov. Lecture on the topic "Combat of State Security Against the Subversive Activities of the Agents of the German Fascist Intelligence Service and the Intelligence Services of West Germany."

165. Diagram on the topic "Main Intelligence and Counterintelligence Agencies of Great Britain."

166. Safiullin. Methodological Report on the topic "Concluding Remarks of Instructor at the End of Training Seminars."

167. Zavyrylin. Lecture on the topic "Moral Qualities of the Soviet Intelligence Officer."

168. Diagram on the topic "Foreign Centers of Lithuanian, Latvian, and Estonian Bourgeois Nationalists."

169. Bulgakov. Teaching Materials on the topic "Documentаtion Equipment."

170. Milkamanovich. Transcript of Lecture on the topic "Preparation and Management of Seminars and Practical Exercises in the KGB."

171. Beliaev. Methodological Instructions on the question of organizing a seminar for operational officers on the topic "Recruitment of Agents."  

This list will be periodically updated as I add more titles from the KGB files.


Thursday, March 9, 2023

Filip Kovacevic: A List of Soviet Films about Counterintelligence, 1923-1991

More than 190 titles.

Source: Dmitry Viktorov & Oleg Lvov. Не только Штирлиц: Контрразведка в советском кинематографе [Not Only Shtirlits: Counterintelligence in Soviet Cinema]. Veche: Moscow, 2022.

Translated by Filip Kovacevic, PhD


1. Red Devils (1923)

2. Fight for "Ultimatum" (1923)

3. Gang of Batka Knysh (1924)

4. Four and Five (1924)

5. Cross and Mauser (1925)

6. Traitor (1926)

7. Man from the Forest (1925)

8. Case 128S (1927)

9. Poison (1927)

10. Entering the City Is Prohibited (1928)


11. Prevented from Walking (1930)

12. Two Encounters (1932)

13. Stamp of the Times (1932)

14. Enemy at the Doorstep (1932)

15. Private Case (1933)

16. Imprisoned (1936)

 17. Outpost at the Chertov Brod (1936)

18. Border under the Lock (1937)

19. Daughter of the Homeland (1937)

20. The Almas Gorge (1937)

21. Gaichi (1938)

22. Sea Post (1938)

23. Train Goes to Moscow (1938)

24. Honor (1938)

25. High Prize (1939)

26. Guest (1939)

27. Courage (1939)

28. Night in September (1939)

29. Mistake of Engineer Kochin (1939)

30. Homeland (1939)

31. Soviet Patriots (1939)


32. Girl from That Side (1940)

33. At the Far Outpost (1940)

34. Two Friends (1941)

35. Duel (1944)

36. Secret Agent (1947)


37. Enemy Winds (1953)

38. Outpost in the Mountains (1953)

39. "Bogatyr" Goes to Marto (1954)

40. Never Forget (1954)

41. Dangerous Paths (1954)

42. In the Square 45 (1955)

43. Road (1955)

44. Ghosts Are Leaving the Mountaintops (1955)

45. Traces in Snow (1955)

46. The Case of Corporal Kochetkov (1955)

47. The Secret of Two Oceans (1955)

48. Shadow at the Pier (1955)

49. Case No. 306 (1956)

50. Captain of the Old "Turtle" (1956)

51. Fiery Miles (1957)

52. Special Task (1957)

53. Blue Arrow (1958)

54. Above Tisza (1958)

55. Uninvited Guests (1959)

56. Man Changes His Skin (1959)


57. Ten Steps to the East (1960)

58. Operation "Cobra" (1960)

59. Captains of Blue Lagoon (1960)

60. A Shot in the Fog (1963)

61. Under the Name of the Revolution (1963)

62. Cheka Officer (1963)

63. Boy from the Ship "Columbus" (1963)

64. State Criminal (1964)

65. Daughter of Stration (1964)

66. Trace in the Ocean (1964)

67. Aqua-Lungs at the Bottom (1965)

68. The Conspiracy of Ambassadors (1965)

69. Game with No Rules (1965)

70. How to Call You Now? (1965)

71. Silence at the Border (1965)

72. Man Without a Passport (1965)

73. Black Business (1965)

74. Two Years Above the Abyss (1966)

75. No-Tie Game (1966)

76. On Thin Ice (1966)

77. Investigation Continues (1966)

78. The Tenth Step (1967)

79. Codeword Not Necessary (1967)

80. Operation "Trust" (1967)

81. Strong in the Spirit (1967)

82. Mysterious Monk (1967)

83. Quiet Odessa (1967)

84. The Diamond Arm (1968)

85. Intervention (1968)

86. Exodus (1967)

87. When Rain & Wind Knock on the Window (1967)

88. Collapse (1968)

89. The Elusive Avengers (1966)

90. New Adventures of the Elusive (1968)

91. One Chance Out of A Thousand (1968)

92. Rezident's Mistake (1968)

93. Passenger from "Equator" (1968)

94. Resolution (Not Subject to Amnesty) (1969)

95. July the 6th (1968)

96. The Adjutant of His Highness (1969)

97. Explosion After Midnight (1969)

98. Ambush (1969)

99. Dangerous Tour (1969)

100. Exposure (1969)

101. The Long Castling (1969)

102. Anxious Nights in Samara (1969)

103. White Weather Vane (1969)

104. The Chekist Story (1969)

105. Spy Passions. Cartoon. 1967


106. Green Strings (1970)

107. Ataman's Demise (1970)

108. Man's Summer (1970)

109. One of Us (1970)

110. About Friends & Comrades (1970)

111. Rezident's Fate (1970)

112. Your Real Name (1971)

113. Hot Trails (1971)

114. The Crown of the Russian Empire (1971)

115. Man in the Thoroughfare (1971)

116. Man from the Other Side (1971)

117. Matters from Long Ago (1972)

118. The Radioactive Traces (1972)

119. In the North, in the South, in the East, in the West (1972)

120. The Unknown Whom Everybody Knew (1971)

121. Peters (1972)

122. Fifty-Fifty (1972)

123. Dead Drop by the Red Stones (1972)

124. My Fate (1973)

125. Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia (1973)

126. Winds Blow in Baku (1974)

127. The Border is Here (1974)

128. One's Own Among the Alien, Alien Among the One's Own (1974)

129. Conscience (1974)

130. Diamonds for the Proletarian Dictatorship (1975)

131. Story about a Simple Thing (1975)

132. Far and Near Years (1976)

133. Anxious Month of September (1976)

134. The Third Side of the Medal (1976)

135. The Bay of Delights (1977)

136. "Tachanka" from the South (1977)

137. The Trans-Siberian Express (1977)

138. Agent of Secret Service (1978)

139. The Guarneri Quartet (1978)

140. Man Changes His Skin (1978)

141. Favorable Contract (1979)

142. Forget the Word "Death" (1979)

143. Without Distinguishing Traits (1978)

144. The Emissary of the Foreign Center (1979)

145. The Doublet Shooting (1979)


146. Woodland Violets (1980)

147. The Control Territory (1980)

148. The Collapse of Operation "Terror" (1980)

149. Two Lines in Small Print (1981)

150. The Long Path in a Labyrinth (1981)

151. December the 20th (1981)

152. The Ring from Amsterdam (1981)

153. Peace to Your Home (1981)

154. Rezident's Return (1982)

155. Put in a Good Word for the Poor Pirate (1981)

156. Day After Tomorrow at Midnight (1981)

157. Syndicate-2 (1980)

158. Bread. Gold. Revolver (1980)

159. Without Evident Reasons (1981)

160. Battle at the Crossroad (1982)

161. Overcoming (1982)

162. The Longest Straw (1982)

163. Death on the Take-Off (1982)

164. Urgent. Secret. Cheka (1982)

165. Tarantula (1982)

166. Don't Shoot on the Mountain Pass (1983)

167. Code Word: Hotel "Regina" (1983)

168. No Need to Shoot Rashly (1983)

169. The Price of Return (1983)

170. Charlotte's Necklace (1984)

171. TASS Is Authorized to Announce (1984)

172. Waves Are Dying on the Shore (1985)

173. The Double Trap (1985)

174. The Contract of the Century (1985)

175. On the Curve (1985)

176. Only the Two Knew the Code Word (1985)

177. Barman from "The Gold Anchor" (1986)

178. No Time Limitations (1986)

177. Gorgon's Head (1986)

178. The File of the Man in the "Mercedes" (1986)

179. The End of Operation "Rezident" (1986)

180. On the Blade of the Sword (1986)

181. Interception (1986)

182. The Attempted Attack on the GOELRO (1986)

183. The Triple Jump of the Panther (1986)

184. Disclosure Prohibited (1987)

185. The First Encounter, The Last Encounter (1987)

186. Private Visit to a German Clinic (1988)

187. Was There Carotene? (1989)

188. The Manchurian Version (1991)

189. Recruiter (1991)

190. The Sacrifice for the Emperor (1991)

191. The Assassination on Zhdanov Street (1991-1992)