Sunday, March 7, 2021

Tales from the Lithuanian KGB Crypt No. 2: A KGB Source Reports Rumors About the Continued Production of the Israeli Jet Fighter Lavi

Blog Series: Tales from the Lithuanian KGB Crypt

Tale No. 2: A KGB Source Reports Rumors About the Continued Production of the Israeli Jet Fighter Lavi

The original document was scanned and uploaded by the Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania on October 16, 2020. It can be accessed here.

Translation below by Filip Kovacevic, PhD


Doc. No. 1


To the Chief of the 1st Department of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR

Colonel Comrade Karinauskas, V. L.


Regarding the Production of the Israeli Jet Fighter Lavi

From our source [ARIEL], on a private visit in Israel [January 6, 1988], we have received information regarding the production of the new secret Israeli jet fighter Lavi in an aircraft plant somewhere near Tel-Aviv. Relying on the information from the Israeli press as well as the data received from the person who works at the plant where the jet fighter was developed and is, at this time, being produced, our source reported the following: The jet fighter Lavi was completely developed by Israeli specialists. Its documentation was classified as top secret; however, the fact of its existence became known to the military-industrial complex of the United States and since the jet fighter was, according to its characteristics, superior to the U.S. jet fighter Phantom purchased by the Israeli Ministry of Defense, the U.S. put maximum pressure on Israel to give up the production of the fighter jet. In 1987-1988, there was an official announcement in the pro-government newspapers of Israel that the production of the new jet fighter Lavi was “frozen” and would not be re-started any time soon; however, according to the report of the person who works at the aircraft plant, the production of Lavi has continued in the conditions of secrecy from the Israeli public and possibly also from the United States. All persons who are engaged in the production of the jet fighter Lavi have been moved to the night shift. One aircraft is allegedly produced every week. 

For your information.

Acting Chief of the 2nd Directorate of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR

Colonel Kosakovsky, G. I. [signed]


Thursday, March 4, 2021

Tales from the Lithuanian KGB Crypt No.1: A KGB Officer Under Journalistic Cover Tasked to Contact PRETTY WOMAN in Italy

Blog Series: Tales from the Lithuanian KGB Crypt 

Tale No. 1: A KGB Officer Under Journalistic Cover Tasked to Contact PRETTY WOMAN in Italy

The original document was scanned and uploaded by the Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania on July 24, 2020. It can be accessed here.

Translation below by Filip Kovacevic, PhD


Doc. No. 1



Chairman of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR

Major General Eismuntas, E. A. [signed]

16 June 1989


The Assignment

for the operative traveling to Italy

as a member of the delegation of the Committee of Youth Organizations (KMO) of the Lithuanian SSR


The delegation of the Committee of Youth Organizations (KMO) of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR) is traveling to Italy in June of this year on the invitation of the youth organization of the Italian Christian-Democratic Party from the town of Treviso (Italy). The operative of the 1st Section of the 1st Department of the KGB of Lithuanian SSR, Captain Vladas Vladovich Bayorinas, is included in the delegation under the cover of a journalist for the Vecherniye Novosti [Evening News] newspaper. During its time in Italy, from June 21 to June 28, the delegation will discuss the perspectives of collaboration between the KMO and the youth organization of Christian-Democrats.


The operative, who is traveling as a member of the delegation, has received the following tasks:

1. Organize and conduct a meeting with an object of interest [DPI No. 2334] codenamed PRETTY WOMAN. During the conversation with PRETTY WOMAN obtain information about her contacts in Italy and her plans for the future. Also, incline her to publish objective information about political events in the republic [Lithuania] in Italian newspapers. Influence PRETTY WOMAN in the direction favorable to us.

2. During the conversations with the leaders of the Italian Christian-Democrat youth organization, obtain information on the following questions of interest to [our] political intelligence:

-  the possible [personnel] changes in the Italian Christian-Democratic Party

-  the preparations of Italian political parties for the elections to the European Parliament (about the level of representation in the European Parliament)

- the assessment by the leaders of the Italian Christian-Democratic Party of the path of the political system reforms in the USSR

-   the “Eastern politics” of the Vatican and its future course

- the perspectives of collaboration in the trade-economic and the humanitarian spheres between the USSR and Italy, including the area of setting up mixed [ownership] companies

3. Taking into consideration possible meetings with the representatives of Italian business, during the conversation with them, recommend the cooperative “Planeta” as a partner in the Lithuanian SSR with the aim of expanding the cooperative’s foreign ties.

Chief of the 1st Department of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR 

Colonel V. L. Karinauskas [signed]

No. 1/1-2143
