Sunday, July 25, 2021

Filip Kovacevic: Bibliography of Books on State Security and Intelligence Services Published in Russian Language (Summer 2021 Update)

Work-in-progress. Next update September 2024.

Агафонов, В. [Agafonov, V.]. Парижские тайны царской Охранки [The Paris Secrets of the

Tsarist Okhrana]. Moscow, 2004.

Аграновский, В. [Agranovsky, V.] Разведчик "Мертвого сезона" [The Intelligence Officer

from the film “Dead Season”]. Moscow, 2008.

Алексеев, М. [Alekseev, M.] Военная разведка России. От Рюрика до Николая II. В двух

            книгах [Military Intelligence of Russia. From Rurik to Nicholas II. Two

            Volumes]. Moscow, 1998.

Алексеев, М. Военная разведка России. Первая мировая война. В двух книгах [Military

            Intelligence of Russia. The First World War. Two Volumes]. Moscow, 1998.

Алексеев, М. "Верный вам Рамзай." Рихард Зорге и советская военная разведка в Японии,

            1933-1938 годы. Книга 1 [“Loyally Yours, Ramzai.” Richard Sorge and Soviet

            Military Intelligence in Japan, 1933-1938. Volume One]. Moscow, 2017.

Алексеев, М. "Верный вам Рамзай" Рихард Зорге и советская военная разведка. 1939-

1941. Книга 2 [“Loyally Yours, Ramzai.” Richard Sorge and Soviet Military Intelligence

            in Japan, 1939-1941. Volume Two]. Moscow, 2017.

Алексеев, М. Лексика русской разведки. История разведки в терминах [The Lexicon of

Russian Intelligence. History of Intelligence through Specialized Terminology]. Moscow,


Андреев, А. Оккультист страны советов: тайна доктора Барченко [The Occultist of the

Soviet Union: The Secret of Doctor Barchenko]. Moscow, 2004.

Андрианов, В. и Долгополов, Н. (сост.). [Andrianov, V and Dolgopolov, N. (eds.)]

Элита русской разведки. Дела этих людей составляли бы честь любой разведки

мира. [The Elite of Russian Intelligence. The Deeds of These Individuals Would Bring

Honor to Any Intelligence Organization]. Moscow, 2005.

Андрюхин, В. и Г. Пяткин. [Andryukha, V. and G. Pyatkin] Проверка на дорогах. Правда о

партизанской разведки [Checkpoints on the Road. Truth about Partisans’ Intel Service].

Moscow, 2017.

Анин Б., Петрович А. [Anin, B., Petrovich, A.]. Радиошпионаж [Radio Espionage]. Moscow,


Антонов, В. [Antonov, V.] В окопах холодной войны [In the Trenches of the Cold War].

Moscow, 2010.

Антонов, В. Женские судьбы разведки [The Women of Russian Intelligence]. Moscow,


Антонов, В. Житейская правда разведки [Everyday Truths of Russian Intelligence].

Moscow, 2014.

Антонов, В. Служба внешней разведки. История, люди, факты [The Russian Foreign

            Intelligence Service. History, People, Facts]. Moscow, 2015.

Антонов, В. Начальники советской внешней разведки [The Chiefs of Soviet Foreign

            Intelligence]. Moscow, 2015.

Антонов, В. Наум Эйтингон [Naum Eitingon]. Moscow, 2017.

Антонов, В. Яков Серебрянский [Yakov Serebryansky]. Мoscow, 2020.

Антонов, В. и Карпов, В. Разведчицы [Women Intelligence Officers]. Moscow, 2004.

Антонов, В. и Карпов, В. Расстрелянная разведка [The Executed Intelligence Officers].

Moscow, 2008. 

Антонов, В. и Величко В. [Antonov, V. & Velichko, V.] Награды внешней разведки

[The Decorations of Russian Foreign Intelligence]. Moscow, 2010.

Антонов, В., Карпов, В. [Antonov, V, Karpov, V.] Нелегальная разведка [Deep             

Undercover (Illegal) Russian Intelligence Officers]. Moscow, 2013.

Антонов, В. и Карпов, В. [Antonov, V and Karpov, V.] Тайные информаторы Кремля.

[The Secret Informers of the Kremlin]. Moscow, 2014.

Антонов, В., Атаманенко, И. [Antonov, V., Atamanenko, I.] 100 великих операций

            спецслужб [100 Famous Operations of Intelligence Services]. Moscow, 2018.

Антонов, В., Прокофьев В. Сахаровский [Sakharovsky]. Moscow, 2020.

Арбатова, М. Испытание смертью или железный филателист (Алексей Козлов) [Trial by

Death or the Iron Stamp-Collector (Alexey Kozlov)]. Мoscow, 2012.

Атаманенко, И. [Atamanenko, I.]. Лубянка никогда не спит [The Lubyanka Never Sleeps].

Moscow, 2000.

Атаманенко, И. КГБ-ЦРУ: Кто сильнее? [KGB v. CIA: Who is More Powerful?]. Moscow,


Атаманенко, И. "Медовая ловушка". История трех предательств [TheHoney Trap.” The

History of Three Betrayals]. Moscow, 2010.

Атаманенко, И. КГБ. Последний аргумент [KGB: The Last Argument]. Moscow, 2012.

Атаманенко, И. Измена по курсу доллара [The Betrayal for Dollars]. Moscow, 2013. 

Атаманенко, И. Лицензия на вербовку [The License to Recruit]. Moscow, 2015.

Атаманенко, И. Шпионское ревю [The Spy Review]. Moscow, 2015.

Атаманенко, И. Уроки контршпионажа [The Lessons of Counter-Espionage]. Moscow, 2016.

Атаманенко, И. Герои без права на славу [The Heroes Without the Right to Glory]. Moscow,


Атаманенко, И. Женщины в войне разведок [Women in the War of Intelligence Services].

Moscow, 2018.

Атаманенко, И. Полководцы шпионских войн [The Generals of Spy Wars].

         Moscow, 2020.

Авдеев, В., Карпов, В. [Avdeev, V., Karpov, V.] Секретная миссия в Париже:

    Граф Игнатьев против немецкой разведки в 1915-1917 гг [The Secret

    Mission in Paris: Count Ignatiev Against the German Intelligence, 1915-1917]. 

    Moscow, 2009.

Багаев, А. [Bagaev, A.] Презумпция лжи [The Presumption of Lies]. Moscow,    


Батурин, Ю. Досье разведчика [Dossier of An Intelligence Officer]. Moscow, 2005.

Белоусов, М. [Belousov, M.] Об этом не сообщалось... Записки армейского чекиста [That

            Wasn’t Talked About… Notes of an Army Chekist]. Moscow, 1984. 

Бережков, В. [Berezhkov, V.] Ради жизни на земле. Мемуар [For Life on Earth. A Memoir].

St. Petersburg, 2007. 

Бережков, В. и Пехтерева, С. [Berezhkov, V. and Pekhtereva, S.] Женщины-чекистки

[The Women Chekists]. St. Petersburg, 2003.

Берия, Серго. [Beria, Sergo]. Мой отец нарком Берия [My Father, People’s Commissar

Beria]. Moscow, 2013.

Бернацкий, А. [Bernatsky, A.] Шпионские уловки [The Spy Tricks]. Moscow, 2017.

Безыменский, Л. [Bezymensky, L.] Человек за спиной Гитлера. Мартин Борман и его

            дневник [The Man Behind Hitler: Marin Bormann and His Dairy]. Moscow, 1999.

Безыменский, Л. Tретий фронт. Секретная дипломатия Второй мировой войны [The

Third Front. Secret Diplomacy of the Second World War]. Moscow, 2003

Блейк, Дж. [ Blake, G.] Прозрачные стены [Transparent Walls]. Moscow, 2006.

Бобков, Ф. [Bobkov, F.] КГБ и власть. Мемуар [KGB and Political Power. A Memoir].

            Moscow, 1995.

Богданов, А., Леонов, И. (ред.) [Bogdanov A., Leonov, I. Eds.] Армейские чекисты [The

            Military Chekists]. Moscow, 1985.

Болтунов, М. [Boltunov, M.] Дипломаты в погонах [Diplomats in Uniform]. Moscow, 2011.

Болтунов, М. Кроты ГРУ в НАТО [The GRU Moles in NATO]. Moscow, 2013. Reprint 2019.

Болтунов, М. Стратегическая разведка ГРУ [The Strategic Intelligence of the GRU].

Moscow, 2014.

Болтунов, М. «Золотое ухо» военной разведки [The ‘Golden Ear’ of Russian Military

            Intelligence]. 2014.

Болтунов, М. Диверсант: Хаджи-Умар Мамсуров [The Saboteur: Hadji Umar Mamsurov].

Moscow, 2014.

Болтунов, М. Последняя спецоперация "Нормана" [The Last Operation of ‘Norman’].

            Moscow, 2015.

Болтунов, М.Тайная война Разведывательного управления РККА [The Secret War of the

            Intelligence Department of the RKKA]. Moscow, 2016.

Болтунов, М. Легендарные герой военной разведка [The Legendary Heroes of Russian

            Military Intelligence]. Moscow, 2017.


Болтунов, М. Тайные операции военной разведки. [The Secret Operations of Military

Intelligence]. Moscow, 2017.

Бондаренко, А. [Bondarenko, A.] Разведка без вымыслов и выстрелов [Intelligence Without Fiction and Gun Shots]. Moscow, 2009.            


Бондаренко, А. Военная контрразведка, 1918-2010. [Russian Military Counterintelligence,

1918-2010]. Moscow, 2011.

Бондаренко, А. Подлинная история "Майора Вихря" [The Real History of the Major

Codenamed Whirlwind]. Moscow, 2013. 

Бондаренко, А. Виктор Лягин. Подвиг разведчика [Victor Lyagin. The

            Heroism of An Intelligence Operative]. Moscow, 2017.

Бондаренко, А. Фитин. Начальник разведки [Pavel Fitin. The Chief of Intelligence]. Moscow,


Бондаренко, А., Ефимов, Н. [Bondarenko, A., Efimov, N.] Военная

 контрразведка: от "СМЕРША" до контртеррористических


[Military  Counterintelligence: From SMERSH to Counter-Terrorist 

Operations]. Moscow, 2010.  

Бондаренко, А. Военные контрразведчики [Military Counterintelligence Officers]. Мoscow,


Бондаренко, А. Герои СМЕРШ” [Heroes of the SMERSH]. Мoscow, 2019.

Бондаренко, А. Юрий Дроздов [Yuri Drozdov]. Moscow, 2020.

Бондаренко, А. Алексей Ботян [Aleksey Botyan]. Moscow, 2020.

Борисов, А. [Borisov, A.] Особый отдел империи. История заграничной агентуры

российских спецслужб [The Special Department of Empire: History of the Foreign Agent Networks of Russian Intelligence]. Moscow, 2001. 

Брачев, В. [Brachov, V.] Чекисты против оккултистов: оккултное-мистическое полполье

в СССР. [Chekists against Occultists: The Occultist-Mystic Underground in the USSR].

 Moscow, 2004.

Брилев, С. [Brilyov, S.] Забытые союзники во Второй мировой войне [Forgotten Allies   

in the Second World War]. Moscow, 2012.

Брилев, С. и Б. О'Коннор. [Brilev, S. and B. O’Connor]. Разведка. "Нелегалы" наоборот.

Сотрудничество спецслужб Лондона и Москвы времён Второй мировой войне [Intelligence.The Opposite ofIllegals’. Cooperation between the British and Russian Intelligence During WWII]. Moscow, 2019.

Бронников, А. [Bronnikov, A.]. Разведчики специального назначения. Из жизни 24-й

бригады спецназа ГРУ. [Special Tasks Intelligence Officers. The 24th Brigade of GRU

Special Forces]. Moscow, 2016.

Бронников, А. Девятая рота. Факультет специальной разведки Рязанского

            училища ВДВ. Мемуар [The Ninth Company. The Faculty of Special Intelligence

            at the VDV College in Ryazan. A Memoir]. Moscow, 2017.

Буханцов, Ф. [Bukhantsov, F.] Сорок лет на тайной тропе: из воспоминаний агента ВЧК-

            НКВД-КГБ "Есаула" [Forty Years on the Secret Path: Remembrances of the VChK-

            NKVD-KGB Agent ‘Esaul’]. Rostov-on-the-Don, 2003.

Буяков, А. [Buyakov, A.]. Ведомственные награды ОГПУ-НКВД. В 2-х томах. [OGPU-

NKVD Decorations & Medals. 2 Volumes]. Moscow, 2008.

Буяков, А., Шинин, О. [Buyakov, A., Shinin, O.] Деятельность органов безопасности на

Дальнем Востоке в 1922-1941 годах [The Activities of State Security Organs in the

Russian Far East, 1922-1941]. Moscow, 2013.

Быстролетов, Д. [Bystroletov, D.] Путешествие на край ночи. Мемуар. [Journey to the End

of the Night. Memoirs]. Moscow, 1996.

Быстролетов, Д. Пир бессмертных. В 7-х томах. Мемуар. [The Feast of Immortals. 7

Volumes. Memoirs]. Moscow, 2013.

Чайковский, А. [Chaikovsky, A.] НКВД и СМЕРШ против Абвера и РСХА [NKVD and

            SMERSH against Abwehr and RSHA]. Moscow, 2016.

Чекисты рассказывают. 8 томов [The Tales of the Chekists. 8 Volumes]. Moscow, 1970-


Черкасов, П. [Cherkasov, P.] Яков Толстой: Русский агент во Франции [Yakov Tolstoy: The

            Russian Agent in France]. Moscow, 2008. 

Чернушевич, М. [Chernushevich, M.] Материалы к истории Пограничной стражи. Служба

Пограничной стражи в военное время. [Documents for the History of Russian Imperial Border Guard Service. The Border Guards in Wartime]. Moscow, 2015.

Чернушевич, М. Материалы к истории Пограничной стражи. Служба Пограничной

стражи в мирное время. [Documents for the History of Russian Imperial Border Guard Service. The Border Guards in Peacetime]. Moscow, 2015.

Черняк, Е. [Chernyak, E.] Пять столетия тайной войны. Из истории секретной

дипломатии и развeдки [Five Centuries of Secret Warfare: From the History of Secret

Diplomacy and Intelligence]. Moscow, 1972. 

Чернявский, В. [Chernyavsky, V.] Операций советской разведки. Вымыслы и реальность

            [The Operations of Soviet Intelligence. Myths and Reality]. Moscow, 2016.

Чертопруд, С. et al. [Chertoprud, S. et al.] Разведка Судоплатова. Зафронтовая

диверсионная работа НКВД-НКГБ, 1941-1945 [Sudoplatov’s Intelligence

Organization. The Frontline Subversive Activities of NKVD-NKGB, 1941-1945]. Moscow, 2015.

Черушев, Н. [Cherushev, N.] Из эпохи Сталина: четыре тайны тридцатых годов [From

the Stalin Era: Four Secrets of the 1930s]. Moscow, 2016. 

Честь и верность. 80 лет военной контрразведки Тихоокеанского флота. (1932-2002)

[Honor and Loyalty. 80 Years of the Military Counterintelligence of the Pacific Fleet, 1932-2002]. Vladivostok, 2012.

Чехонин, Б. [Chekhonin, B.] Журналистика и разведка. Мемуар [Journalism and

Intelligence. Memoirs]. Moscow, 2002.

Дамаскин, И. [Damaskin, I.]. Разведчицы и шпионки [Women Intel Officers and Spies].

            Moscow, 1999.

Дамаскин, И. Семнадцать имён Китти Харрис [Seventeen Names of Kitty Harris]. Moscow,


Дамаскин, И. Вожди и разведка от Ленина до Путина [The Russian Leaders and

Intelligence: From Lenin to Putin]. Moscow, 2012.

Давыдов, В. [Davydov, V.] Группа специального назначения КГБ СССР "Вымпел" [The

Special Assignments Group of the Soviet KGB “Vympel”]. Moscow, 2008.

Дело Лаврентия Берии. Сборник документов [The Lavrenty Beria File. Archival Documents].

Moscow, 2015.

Дайнес, В. [Daynes, V.] Жуков [Zhukov]. Moscow, 2005.

Демкин, С. [Demkin, S.] Секретные страницы американской разведки [The Secret Pages of

            American Intelligence]. Moscow, 1999.

Девятов, А. [Devyatov, A.] Разведка будущего в условиях глобалисма [The Intelligence of

             the Future in a Globalized World]. Moscow, 2017.

Диенко, А. (авт.-сост.) [Dienko, A. (ed.)] Энциклопедический словарь российских

спецслужб. Разведка и контрразведка в лицах [The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Russian Intelligence Services. Faces of Intelligence and Counterintelligence]. Moscow, 2002. 

Добрынин, А. [Dobrynin, A]. Сугубо доверительно. Мемуар [Top Secret. Memoirs]. Moscow,


Долгополов, Н. [Dolgopolov, N.] Они украли бомбу для Советов [They Stole the Bomb for

the Soviets]. Moscow, 2000.

Долгополов, Н. Геворк Вартанян [Gevork Vartanyan]. Moscow, 2014.

Долгополов, Н. Ким Филби [Kim Philby]. Moscow, 2012.

Долгополов, Н. Абель-Фишер [Abel-Fisher]. Moscow, 2015. 

Долгополов, Н. Легендарные разведчики [Legendary Intelligence Officers]. Moscow, 2015.

Долгополов, Н. Надежда Троян [Nadezhda Troyan]. Moscow, 2016.

Долгополов, Н. Легендарные разведчики. Том 2 [Legendary Intelligence Officers. Vol. 2].

Moscow, 2018.

Долгополов, Н. Гении разведки [The Geniuses of Intelligence]. Moscow, 2019.

Долгополов, Н. Из блокнота Николая Долгополова. От Франсуазы Саган до Абеля [From

The Notebook of Nikolay Dolgopolov. From Françoise Sagan to Abel]. Мoscow, 2020.

Дорва, И. [Dorva, I.] Свой среди чужих. В омуте истины. Мемуар [Among the Strangers. In

             the Fog of Truth. Memoirs]. Moscow, 2012. 

Дроздов, Ю. [Drozdov, Y.]. Вымысел исключён: Записки начальника нелегальной разведки

             [Fiction Excluded: Notes of the Chief of Illegal Intelligence]. Moscow, 2000.

Дундуков, М. [Dundukov, M.]. Разведка в государственном механизме США [The U.S.

Intelligence Community]. Moscow, 2008.

Емельянов, Ю. [Emelyanov, Yu.]. Разгадка 37-го года [Demystifying Year 1937 in the Soviet

Union]. Moscow, 2013.

Елизаров, А. [Elizarov, A.] Контрразведка. ФСБ против ведущих разведок мира

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Эйтингон, Л. [Eytingon, L.]. Письма из Владимирской тюрьмы [The Letters from the

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Федотов, М. [Fedotov, M.] Разведка продолжает поиск. Мемуар [The Intelligence Service

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Феклисов, А. [Fe klisov, A.] За океаном и на острове. Записки разведчика [Beyond the

Ocean and on the Island. Notes of an Intelligence Officer]. Moscow, 1994.

Феклисов, А. Признание разведчика [The Confessions of an Intelligence Officer]. Moscow,


Гаспариян, А. [Gasparyan, A.] Генерал Скоблин. Легенда советской разведки [General

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Гераскин, Б. [Geraskin, B.] Военная контрразведка и армия [Military Counterintelligence

and the Army]. Moscow, 2016.

Гладков, Т. [Gladkov, T.] Николай Кузнецов [Nikolay Kuznetsov]. Moscow, 1972.

Гладков, Т. Медведев [Medvedev]. Moscow, 1985.

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Гладков, Т. Лифт в разведку. Король "нелегалов" Александр Коротков [The King of the

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Гладков, Т. Разведчик Коротков [The Intelligence Officer Korotkov]. Moscow, 2005.

Гладков, Т. Артузов [Artuzov]. Moscow, 2008.

Гладков, Т. Его Величество Агент [His Majesty The Agent]. Moscow, 2010.

Гладков, Т. Наш человек в Ню-Йорке: Судьба резидента Якова Голоса [Our Man in New

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Гладков, Т., Зайцев, Н. [Gladkov, T., Zaitsev, N.] "И я ему не могу не верить." Артур

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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

KGB and UFOs: Interview of Former KGB Chairman Vladimir Kryuchkov (2005)

Vladimir Kryuchkov was appointed to the position of the chairman of the KGB in 1988. Prior to that, Kryuchkov was the chief of Soviet foreign intelligence (the 1st Main Directorate of the KGB) for 14 years. He was one of the leaders of the coup d’état in August 1991 and was subsequently imprisoned. Kryuchkov died in 2007 at age 83.

This interview was published by the Russian state-controlled newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda on December 5, 2005. Below is my translation available only on this blog.

The last chairman of the KGB Vladimir Kryuchkov: If UFOs existed, I would have been informed about it.

Komsomolskaya Pravda, December 5, 2005

For several years I have been preparing for this conversation with the former chairman of the KGB, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kryuchkov. And, finally, I got a chance to ask the questions that have provoked a lot of interest in our society for a long time and which the former KGB chief agreed to answer.

Did the KGB know everything?!

Question: Not a single day goes by without the media talking about the unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and various anomalous phenomena. The opinions of scientists and astronauts with whom I have had the occasion to talk differ. But, in one thing, they are unanimous: “The most accurate answers to these questions can be given by intelligence services whose job it is to investigate and study the cases that provoke social interest!” You have been in charge of Soviet intelligence for the longest time (1971-1988), and then, more recently, (1988-1991), you were the chairman of the KGB. So, hardly anyone is better informed on this issue than you.

Kryuchkov: On no occasion did we receive the materials confirming the existence of UFOs or some other kind of supernatural phenomena. At the same time, the Party Central Committee and the Council of Ministers at the highest level have repeatedly asked me to confirm or deny the reliability of rumors about this or that inexplicable event taking place in nature and on our planet. This was especially true of the UFOs and the “Yeti Snowman.” I tasked our best experts, intelligence officers and agents to establish the sources of the dissemination of information that disturbed the population and could make an impact on its security. In the end, they all turned out to be the products of imagination according to the principle: fear takes molehills for mountains. Sometimes some phenomena which appeared incomprehensible to unprepared observers were interpreted by them in their own, mystical, manner, and sometimes, in order to produce a sensation, they were deliberately declared as something extraordinary. It also happened that the claims of some scientists were passed off as something otherworldly that existed but was kept secret by the KGB.

I declare with full responsibility: nothing of the kind has actually been found in our country or in any other countries during my working career! When I talk about other countries, I rely on the information that our intelligence officers received from their sources in the highest official, military, scientific, and technical circles and also from the main intelligence services of foreign countries. The fact is that in all major powers, presidents, prime ministers, and heads of intelligence services, like us, issued special orders to investigate and provide a comprehensive explanation for this or that anomalous incident that caused a stir. As a result, there, too, always and everywhere, the answer of the competent people was the same: “No!” I myself have read, as it were, the copies of these reports.

In the end, I concluded that, for good or ill, there is nothing supernatural on Earth!

- What then about the “self-ignition of the sacred fire” in Jerusalem?

- I must disappoint you. This is just a clever setup or, if you like, a trick of local priests, which has nothing to do with the “divine principle.” I will say more, our experts from the Scientific-Research Institutes of the KGB could set up in Moscow such a fire that the one in Jerusalem would be completely overshadowed. But that would be just playing a game with the religious feelings of believers! In this whole thing, there is a certain kind of disrespect for them, counting on their ignorance of certain natural phenomena and of classified scientific discoveries.

At the same time, it is possible that we are far from being alone in the infinity of the cosmos! The cosmos is “teeming” with different forms of life, but, of course, they are not like those that the dishonest scientists-businessmen and the people with a sick imagination are trying to shock the humanity with. Perhaps the only thing where we found some grounds for serious reflection was the theme of the Tunguska meteorite.

- Did the Party Central Committee task you to collect information about this issue in the United States?

- No. Because there was no basis. If there had been any basis, we would have done it. But, there was none! There was nothing in the USA or in other countries! By the way, the Americans were engaged in the so-called “para-psychological experiments,” but they did not make any real progress. Just like our own institutes which also achieved almost nothing in this respect, though they did run tests. There was more smoke than fire. More precisely, there were no discoveries, though, in fact, the most creative and open-minded KGB scientists worked in this area. This is the kind of a research field in which you can work for many decades - and for more than one generation - and still discover nothing worthwhile. That is why it should be approached with a lot of caution and without making any premature announcements. At the same time, it is definitely worth to continue to pursue various paths. And then, perhaps, there is some hope that something new will be discovered. Therefore, all these rumors about the KGB making their agents into zombies or about the entire closed cities for running special experiments are from the field of dark fiction written by unscrupulous people who are playing on the emotions and ignorance of ordinary people in the spirit of the proverb: they hear the ringing, but they do not know where exactly it is coming from. At the same time, I think that there is something in this field that should be studied more deeply, because the human body is still not well explored and, as our experiments have shown, it possesses enormous potential.

In short, if there had been at least something somewhere, our officers would have immediately reported it to me.

Poisons for Covert Assassinations

Question: The world is full of films and books about how intelligence agents use poisons that do not leave any trace, shoot from experimental weapons, or kill a victim with one move. How true is this? Who does this and in what cases?

Kryuchkov: All this did take place and some of it is still going on. But what’s coming into fashion more and more is the intelligence work as the fight of the intellects. Intelligence services, especially in foreign intelligence, seek to outplay their adversaries through smart covert operations. As the saying goes, they strive to make fools out of them. In any case, the murder of Stepan Bandera was one of the last cases of the KGB using violent methods to get rid of the “unwanted elements.” Since the time of Andropov, the USSR has abandoned this practice. The same policy was proclaimed in the West as well. However, there is information that gives rise to very serious doubts that the Americans kept their words aligned with their deeds. For instance, our helpers in the United States who were foreign citizens would disappear, and then it turned out that they were no longer alive!

- There are rumors that the KGB itself did not “remove” people, but that, with the assistance of the KGB, the state security services of other Socialist countries used deadly poisons to covertly “remove” their opponents. They say that the Bulgarian dissident Markov was “removed” in this way.

- As for the Bulgarians, I will say: if this is true, it means that the Bulgarian comrades were not frank with us when they claimed that they were not involved in his murder.

- [Oleg] Kalugin allegedly confessed that he was involved in this case and gave such a poison to the Bulgarians.

- This statement is on Kalugin’s conscience. Former KGB general Kalugin is a defector and a liar. No wonder he was sentenced in absentia to 15 years in prison, though he deserves capital punishment.

- And how could it be carried out? Is that possible at all? And, in general, is it possible to kidnap someone abroad and covertly bring him to Russia?

- On the operational and technical level, it’s no problem! There would only need to be an appropriate order! For instance, it was decided to kidnap the former Soviet naval officer Shadrin who in the 1960s began working for the United States. And it was done! And they did the right thing. Kalugin could have been kidnapped. There is no question about that. You only need an order! But they won’t go for it now. And rightly so! Because the relations between countries are more important than success in any particular case!

The time has passed when such things were done. Let’s say today we kidnap one person, and then tomorrow, another. Where is the confidence that this will not lead to some seriously unpleasant thoughts about us? Other countries can rightly say: “We cannot trust them! We can’t deal with them!” The relations with other countries are more important for Russia than punishing some [vulgar expression] like Kalugin.

- And yet, if there is an opportunity to kill someone, who gives a permission to use weapons or poison? The head of the state security service or the head of state?

- During the years I worked in intelligence, I myself did not have the right to issue such a permission. Only in coordination with the Prosecutor General! And, in those years before I worked in the KGB, the head of the state security service could go ahead with it only with the knowledge of the leader of the country.

- Did Brezhnev and Gorbachev know who exactly carried out their intelligence tasks?

- They had the right to know, but, as a rule, they did not make use of it. I remember how Andropov wanted to tell Leonid Ilyich [Brezhnev] the name of an intelligence officer who obtained information that was very important for our country.

- “Don’t, Yuri, don’t! - Brezhnev began waving his hands. “And then I'll blurt it out somewhere and expose the whole thing.”

When Andropov told me this, we laughed a lot. I will say more, even I, as the head of foreign intelligence, most often did not know my agents, as they say, by sight, or by name. The security of an agent can only benefit from the fact that only two or three people who directly supervise his work know who he is.