Sunday, March 28, 2021

Tales from the Lithuanian KGB Crypt No. 6: The Description of NASA Workshop Documents Covertly Acquired by the KGB in 1985

  Blog Series: Tales from the Lithuanian KGB Crypt

Tale No. 6: The Description of NASA Workshop Documents Covertly Acquired by the KGB in 1985


The original document was scanned and uploaded by the Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania on September 24, 2018. It can be accessed here.


Translation below by Filip Kovacevic, PhD



Doc. No. 3


To the Chief of the 6th Directorate of the KGB

Lieutenant General Comrade Shcherbak F. A.

May 1985  



Obtaining Information on FTI [Foreign Technical Intelligence]


In accordance with the Point 2 of the List of Required Information on Foreign Technical Intelligence (the KGB USSR Guidance No. 735/Ts from 29 April 1983), we are sending you the materials acquired in the operational manner about the research and use of the charge-coupled devices (CCD).


These materials deal with the outcomes of the workshop about the advancement of photometric equipment (NASA, 18-19 June 1984, San Diego, USA).


Included: the materials of the workshop, in one folder, 235 pages, non-secret, only to the addressee.


Deputy Chairman of the KGB [of the Lithuanian SSR]

Major General V. V. Zvezdenkov 


Note: The 6th Directorate of the KGB was in charge of economic counterintelligence dealing with industry, science, and trade. General Fyodor Shcherbak was the chief from November 1982 until April 1989.